Posts By Amy Gordon

Live Bee Removal Services

We offer Live Bee Removal Services:

We love bees! Bees are some of the most important insects because they help plants pollinate, allowing all kinds of food to grow. In fact, some farmers rent beehives to help pollinate their crops. And who doesn’t like honey? However, the bee population is dwindling, in part due to the extreme extermination of hives around homes and businesses.

This is quite devastating for us, considering that for the most part, honeybees don’t want anything from us and cause very little harm. Their main focus is growing and providing for their hive. As such, when you have a bee problem, it’s always best to look for ways to get rid of them without killing them.

If bees have built a hive close to your home and it’s a bit too close for comfort, we can get rid of and move the hive to a nearby bee caretaker for you. Our eco-friendly live bee removal service can effectively remove nests, hives, and swarms safely and completely from your property.

We are Live Bee Removal Specialists

We specialize in bee removal services from buildings, in areas such as the roof, chimneys, soffits, brick & block cavity walls, and any other locations. We conduct these live honey bee removals to relocate the living colony to a more appropriate location.

To conduct these bee removals, we’ve come up with several sophisticated techniques that allow us to remove colonies from most locations without the need to dismantle the structure and without harming the bees. We always use the latest techniques and offer the most cost-effective advice and solutions for getting rid of bees on your property.

Just vacuuming up the bees is not the answer, it takes a lot more than that. In addition, any uncapped honey stores may run and add to the mess. Plus, you risk suffering additional pest infestations, including cloth moths, carpet beetles, mice, ants, or something larger. You can prevent all this by having a complete removal of the stores, colonies, and any dead bees that might have gathered beneath the hive.

Emergency Services

We know the distress and potential harm that a hive close to your home or office can have. While honey bees are usually harmless when you leave them alone, they can be a major stressor, especially if they’ve nested close to your home or are swarming in an outdoor living space.

Our bee removal services are always available to you when you need them. This is why we provide emergency live bee removal. Our goal is to offer services that focus on the safety of your home, your loved ones, and the bees.

Africanized Killer bees are dangerous

The whole story of Africanized Honey Bees sounds like it started as a good idea. Scientists thought, “Hey, let’s mix African bees with European Honey Bees in Brazil to pump up honey production.” But, oops! What they got instead were some super aggressive and territorial bees. These bees were so feisty they got nicknamed ‘Killer Bees.’ By 1990, they buzzed their way into southern Texas and showed everyone just how feisty they were, attacking anything that bugged their nests.

Here’s the deal with these Killer Bees: they don’t just get mad; they go berserk. If they sense a threat, they swarm in massive numbers and chase you for like a quarter-mile. And because there are so many of them, their stings can actually be deadly. It’s pretty wild – they’ve caused around 1000 deaths so far. By 1985, they’d even made their way to the U.S., and they’re spreading fast.

The risk from these bees isn’t a joke. If you’ve got their nest around, you’ve got to deal with it ASAP to keep everyone safe – that includes pets too.

And here’s another curveball: these bees aren’t picky about where they live. Unlike European honeybees, they’ll set up shop in any old tire, crate, tree, or hole in the ground. Before you know it, you’ve got a full-blown bee colony at your place.

If you’re thinking of tackling a Killer Bee hive as a DIY project – think again. To the untrained eye, they look just like regular honey bees. But disturb their hive, and things can get real nasty, real fast.

When it comes to getting rid of any bee hive, especially those Killer Bees, you’re best off calling the pros. They know how to safely get rid of the hive without harming your family and pets. Remember, you can’t tell Africanized bees apart from normal honey bees by looks; it’s all in their aggressive behavior.

If you’ve already bee-proofed your house by blocking off potential bee entrances, good job! That can help prevent an infestation. But if those bees have already set up a hive on your property, it’s time to call in the specialists. Dealing with Killer Bees is no joke; you really don’t want to risk it. Better to play it safe than sorry.

Here’s the Buzz on Bee Infestations

If you spot bees buzzing around your yard, there’s no need to panic. Most bees are chill and won’t bother you unless they feel threatened. But, if you’ve got a hive or some mean bees like those Africanized “killer bees,” then it’s time to call in the bee pest control pros.

Bees are actually super important for the planet. They make honey and pollinate all sorts of plants. But having them set up shop in your yard? Not so cool, especially if you’ve got kids or pets who might accidentally get too close.

Africanized bees are a different story. These guys are like the bouncers of the bee world – super territorial and ready to sting if they think their hive is in danger. Getting stung by one bee hurts, but a whole swarm? That’s bad news.

And here’s the kicker: if you don’t do something about a bee problem, it can get way worse. Bee colonies sometimes split and make new hives, which means even more bees hanging around your place.

So, if you see a hive near your home, it’s better to be safe than sorry. You don’t want these little buzzers moving in.

Why You Need the Bee Removal Experts

Trying to get rid of a hive yourself is a no-go. Sometimes, hives that look empty are actually full of bees just waiting to defend their home. Plus, it’s hard to tell what kind of bees you’re dealing with. Are they bees? Wasps? It’s tough to say unless you’re a pro.

That’s where the bee removal experts come in. They can figure out the best way to move the hive without the bees coming back to bother you. They’ll also check to make sure there aren’t any other hives hiding around your yard.

What to Do If There’s a Hive in Your Yard

Got a hive? First thing: make sure everyone, including pets, stays away from it. Maybe give your neighbors a heads-up too.

Next step: call a bee pest control service. They’ll know how to handle the hive safely and can give you tips on keeping bees from setting up camp in your yard again.

Keeping Bees at Bay in the Future

After the hive’s gone, it’s smart to think about how to keep your yard bee-free in the future. The bee pros can give you the lowdown on this. Regular check-ups, taking care of your yard, and knowing what attracts bees can go a long way.

So, while bees are great for nature, having them too close for comfort in your yard is a no-no. Knowing when to call in the experts can save you a lot of trouble and keep your home a bee-free zone.

Getting Rid of Bees: A No-Sweat Guide

So, you’ve got bees. And not the kind that just buzz by saying hello – these guys have decided your place is their new hangout. Now, before you start worrying, let me walk you through some chill ways to send them packing, safely and without a fuss.

1. Smoke ‘Em Out

Let’s start old school: smoking bees out. It sounds a bit wild-west, but it’s a trick as old as time and it works like a charm. You don’t need to go all out – a simple smoky fire with some cardboard can do the trick. But hey, if you’re feeling fancy, try dry leaves like citronella, peppermint, or eucalyptus. They add a nice touch and are super effective. Remember, this isn’t a cowboy stunt, so gear up for safety and keep your distance. This method is especially cool if the bees have made a home in your chimney or a tree in your backyard.

2. Moth Balls: Not Just for Moths

Yeah, you read that right. Moth balls are not just for keeping your sweaters hole-free. They’re pretty awesome at making bees buzz off. Bees find the smell of moth balls super off-putting. Hang them around your yard, and if you can, near the bee’s crib – but do it at night when they’re less active. You don’t want to start a bee riot, do you? The smell will help them decide your place isn’t the bee’s knees after all.

3. Vinegar: The Salad Dressing and Bee Repellent

Okay, so this is the tough-love approach. Mixing vinegar with water and spraying it around can work wonders. But here’s the thing, it’s kind of harsh on the bees. So, this should be your last resort, like when you’re out of options. Spray it in spots the bees hang out, or right at their nest, but do it when they’re snoozing at night. Oh, and the next morning, you might have to play clean-up.

4. Chat with the Experts

When things get too real, it’s time to dial up the pros. Try a professional company such as We’re talking beekeepers or pest control experts. These folks are like the bee whisperers. They can either help relocate the bees to a swankier place where they’ll be happier, or if it’s super serious, they can handle them more, um, permanently. It’s all about keeping you and the bees safe.

5. Bee-Proof Your Place

Now, after you’ve dealt with your uninvited guests, you might want to keep them from coming back. Think about bee-proofing your home. Seal any cracks and openings where bees might find their way in. Keep your garden less bee-attractive by choosing plants that aren’t bee magnets. It’s all about making your place look ‘meh’ to bees.

6. Be a Good Neighbor

Finally, remember bees are actually the good guys of the environment. They pollinate plants, make honey, and do a bunch of cool stuff for nature. So, while you’re keeping them away from your home, think about ways you can help them from afar. Maybe plant some bee-friendly flowers in a corner of your yard, or support local beekeepers by buying their honey.